Cisco Blogs / Serpil Bayraktar
Serpil Bayraktar
Distinguished Engineer
Service Provider Networking Automation
Serpil Bayraktar is a Distinguished Engineer in the Service Provider Networking Automation and Analytics group at Cisco. In her current role, she is responsible for driving Network Insights, a cloud-based network analytics service. She is also the founder of Cisco’s Women in Technology program.
Serpil has more than 26 years of experience in the networking industry and hold a B.S. in EE from Istanbul Technical University as well as an MBA from Eastern Michigan University.
Cisco Crosswork – Part 2: Network Insights
In February, Cisco announced its latest innovation – Cisco Crosswork Network Automation – a new network automation portfolio for Service Providers. Read Jonathan Davidson’s blog for an overview to understand our comprehensive approach to enabling a closed-loop, mass-scale automation solution. Follo…